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Windows for Gemini Lake NiPoGi J4105

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2025 4:13 pm
by Biloudenice

j'ai en ma possession une : NiPoGi processeur Intel Celeron J4105 avec 12 Go de RAM DDR4 et 256 Go de SSD M.2

Le DD est HS , j'ai voulu résintaller un windows pro sur mon nouveau DD mais j'ai une erreur avec l'image GK3V AK3V WIN11_PRO_22H2_8lg ou avec l'image GK1_2004_Pro_X64_AC-7265_en_de_es_fr_it_ru_zh_20201208 ( mais c'est du W10 ) .
L'installation se passe bien mais au reboot :
The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error.
Windows intallation cannot proceed .
To installws click OK to restart the computer , and then restart the installation .

Impossible d'installer un w11 , j'ai deconnecté le reseau mais toujours le meme probleme .
Avez vous une idée du probleme ?

je vous remercie pour vos aides , bonne journée


I have in my possession a : NiPoGi processor Intel Celeron J4105 with 12 Go of RAM DDR4 and 256 Go of SSD M.2

The HDD is out of order , I wanted to reinstall a windows pro on my new HD but I have an error with the image GK3V AK3V WIN11_PRO_22H2_8lg or with the image GK1_2004_Pro_X64_AC-7265_en_de_es_fr_it_ru_zh_20201208 ( but it's W10 ) .
Installation goes well but on reboot :
The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error.
Windows intallation cannot proceed .
To installws click OK to restart the computer , and then restart the installation .

Impossible to install a w11 , I disconnected the network but still the same problem .
Do you have any idea what's wrong?

thank you for your help, good day


Re: Windows for Gemini Lake NiPoGi J4105

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2025 5:08 pm
by Gabe
It appears that support is still on vacation for the Chinese New Year. The only thing I can suggest that you could try in the meantime, if you know how to, is using Windows 10 installation media created with Microsoft's Windows 10 Media Creation Tool.

Re: Windows for Gemini Lake NiPoGi J4105

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2025 10:27 pm
by Biloudenice
Malheureusement aucun outil de réparation fonctionne .
J'ai essayé d'installer un windows 11 pro "classique" mais tres tres instable , malgré l'incorporation des drivers .

Re: Windows for Gemini Lake NiPoGi J4105

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2025 9:53 am
by Biloudenice
Alors pour gagner en stabilité :
passer directement par une install en win11 24h2 , sans connection internet ( une mise ajour sous 23h2 plantait le PC )
Installer les drivers fourni sur ce forum
Connection reseau
Mise a jour par windows update

Cela semble etre bon :)

Re: Windows for Gemini Lake NiPoGi J4105

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2025 5:49 pm
by Gabe
Glad to hear it worked.

Re: Windows for Gemini Lake NiPoGi J4105

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2025 11:25 am
by Biloudenice
Au final non :( .
Le probleme vient du driver Intel ( carte graph UHD Graphig 600 ) , meme en bloquant la mise a jour via regedit , il persiste a vouloir installer la version ou, ces 2 versions rends instable le systeme .

Donc une fois qu'il a installé ce driver, il a fallu retourner modifier le drivers , en lui stipulant que l'ancien driver est plus stable .
Je re installe l'ancien driver , le seul qui parche et pour l'instant cela tient

Re: Windows for Gemini Lake NiPoGi J4105

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2025 8:17 pm
by Gabe
That's odd, but I'm glad you were at least able to find a workaround, even though it's a pain to have to do so.

You may want to reach out to barry, a tech for the company, at to let him know what you've discovered, as in the graphics driver causing a problem, as well as what you've done to mitigate it. This may be important for him to know with regard to that model.