Power cable for AM06 Pro and units which use one like it...

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Power cable for AM06 Pro and units which use one like it...

Post by Gabe »

Just for info...

I recently had to replace the power cable for my AM06 Pro. I use my AM06 Pro often, but I don't keep it set up permanently, and I store it in a cupboard that's on an perimeter wall of my house. Where I live it can get very cold during the winters, and the frequent bundling and unbundling of the power cable combined with the storage spot often being quite cool took its toll. The outside coating cracked at a couple of the bends where I would bundle it up and store it with a rubber band around it, exposing the wires. It also cracked at the base of the plug at the power supply end, again exposing the wires. And for reference, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the cables provided with these units. The damage is my fault, and it was because of the way I used and stored it.

For reference, I'm referring to the cable that connects the PSU block to the wall outlet, not the power supply itself. It's the type with three poles. My AM06 Pro, AMR5 and CK10 all use this type of cable, though the cables with the latter two are fine.

Old AM06 Pro Cable.jpg
Old AM06 Pro Cable.jpg (275.49 KiB) Viewed 3440 times
In case anyone needs one, the following is what I got, and it works perfectly. I tried it with all three units. This is NOT an endorsement or anything like that, nor a recommendation to get this one. There are a lot of cables like it to choose from on Amazon and other sites. I'm only saying that this is the one I chose, and it worked...

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Re: Power cable for AM06 Pro and units which use one like it...

Post by barry777 »

Thanks a lot for sharing the information!
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