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You may be interested!

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 9:16 am
by rogerinfrance
In the event of needing a reboot etc and this applies to almost all powered electronics, do give the machine at least 10 seconds to clear any electricity in capacitors. I have had in my life many people that have for example glitches on a power line that jam items up, the software does funny things. So when for example you are told to unplug and plug in again please do wait for at least 10 seconds or possibly more. In ancient days of TV if a service tech did not observe this then he could get 5000V and believe me he soon adopted that salient lesson!

Re: You may be interested!

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 2:46 am
by Shieda Kayn
so crazy :x

Re: You may be interested!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:04 am
by rogerinfrance
Hi Sheida sorry if I got the name wrong!! Well the thing is everything electronic has what are called capacitors. These are buckets for electricity, leaky ones and sometimes called condensers. So putting in a water context, take a bucket with a hole in it, fill it with water. now tip the bucket upside down over your head. If you did not wait for the water to leak out then you would get wet, let the water leak out and you do not. If all the water does not leak out you will still have water in the bucket. Now the electronic bits in the item, computer etc. if they have a sniff off electricity then they stay "on" and retain a memory. So you have to let all the electricity leak out. I hope that sort of explains that. Roger.