Windows 10 tips and tricks 2

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Windows 10 tips and tricks 2

Post by admin »

Customize your task bar

Now let’s start organizing things a bit better. Launching a program that’s pinned to your Windows 10 taskbar is always faster than hunting it down in the Start menu or on your desktop. So you’ll want to populate yours with the software and files you use the most.

To pin a program to your taskbar, simply right-click it and select the Pin to taskbar option in the context menu that appears. You can also do this to a program’s icon when it appears in your taskbar after opening it. You can pin frequently visited webpages to your taskbar by saving it as a shortcut via your browser’s setting menu, then right-clicking that shortcut on your desktop and selecting Pin to taskbar.

Folders can only be pinned to the Start menu, alas. You can pin specific files to your taskbar, kinda-sorta, but the process is slightly different, and brings us to our next tip…

Embrace jump lists

Now that you’ve pinned your most-used programs to the taskbar, you’re ready to take advantage of the awesomeness known as jump lists. When you right-click a program icon in your taskbar, most will reveal a pop-up list of your most recent open files for that program, or shortcuts to common tasks. It’s a great way to jump right back into a project without needing to slog through folder after subfolder in the Windows File Explorer.
steam-jump-list-100795407-large.png (816.39 KiB) Viewed 1393 times
Better yet, if you know you’ll constantly return to a particular file or shortcut, you can pin it to the top of the jump list by mousing over its entry, then clicking the pin icon that appears all the way on the right. Any files you do it for will appear under a new “Pinned items” section at the top of the jump list. Simply click the pin icon for an entry again to remove it.
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