N95 problemi stampante
N95 problemi stampante
Salve Spiego subito il problema ho provato a Collegare una stampante hp Ma a quanto pare i driver si installano ma non visualizza nessuna Stampante installata. Ho provato ad installare driver scaricati dal sito Hp e ho provato anche a Cercare e installare da windows update ma niente. Qualcuno mi sa aiutare?
Re: N95 problemi stampante
What model printer do you have? Unless you changed the operating system on your computer to something like Linux, then HP should have correct drivers to work with Windows. You'll need to find the correct drivers on their site.
GK3V (J4125/8GB/128GB) | AMR5 (R5 5600U/16GB/512GB NVMe) | JK06 (N5100/8GB/256GB) | AK1Pro (N5105/8GB/256GB) | T8Pro (N5095/8GB/256GB) | AD03 (N95/8GB/256GB) | CK10 (i7-10810U/16GB/512GB) | S1 (N95/16GB/512GB)