Here is a rundown of the installation:
- Download pfSense AMD64 USB Memstick installer with console type set to VGA from here: https://www.pfsense.org/download/
- Extract the archive and use rufus to burn it to a USB drive. Insert the drive into your S1
- While booting pres the 'del' key to enter the BIOS and boot from your USB drive
- Follow through with the installation (i kept everything at default)
- Reboot after initial install. You will get an ACPI Firmware error because of a thermal sensor. To fix it just press enter twice to be in the root shell
- Enter 'vi /boot/loader.conf' to edit the loader.conf file
- Press 'i' to enter insert mode in vi and add the following line at the top:
Code: Select all
- Press 'ESC' to exit insert mode and type ':wq!' to save and quit the file
(feel free to open it again to check if your changes were written to the file, use 'clear' to clear the console output)
- reboot the device
You will be able to connect to the web interface from a device in your WAN network afterwards.
I measured 10-12Watts of power usage when working in the web interface which is not too bad.
Unfortunately the wireless card does not work out of the box and i have not been able to get it to work.
Enjoy your new powerful firewall!

Thanks Suresh for correcting my error